CrAzY20's...."Holly Scripts": April 2004

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CrAzY20's...."Holly Scripts"
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Tómenlo con humor....

Yo me marcho del país
Anso misio y tengo ñaño
Que el ultimo en salir
Apague la luz del baño
Good bye, good bye, good bye

Boto basura en la avenida
Derramo lisura, coimeo en la vida
Te meto mi tico, me paso la luz
Yo soy papirrico, soy made in Perú
Muy mal, muy mal, muy mal

Desconfío de mi sombra
Bien me dijo mi abuelo
Como todos los peruanos
Cada quien con su pañuelo
Too much, too much, too much

De un tiempo a esta parte el peruano
Ya no tiene en quién confiar
Nos cutrearon muchos años
Ya no creo ni en mi mamá
Nos enyucaron, nos palabrearon
Nos chuponearon y nos filmaron
Nos vendieron, nos privatizaron
Ya nos hartamos, por eso nos vamos
Tu may, tu may, tu may

Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Esta es una canción de mi vieja banda "INPANKLI".....

My Fucking life
(by Salvador)

I know this is the end
of my fucking life
and there is no way
to stop the events of that crap

my life is turn to pieces
my story is only sadness
everyone is happy
but I'm always sad

Nobody can see it
Nobody can feel it
it's a big bullshit
and I just wanna die

and I know it (were's your mother)
there is no way (were's your father)
to change my FUCKING LIFE!!!!!
I'm just asking
for a good life
'cause I want just
to be free...!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2004
(by Salvador Crazy20)

Surely everyone knows what loneliness is.
It’s a kind of weird punishment.
It’s like someone alone on a desert.
Someone who doesn’t even have a shadow,
or someone alone in a dark place.

Loneliness is a big test to prove yourself,
and to prove the rest that you can be alone.
To prove that you can do something by yourself.
To prove that you learned many things yourself.
To prove that you can be the best without help.

Loneliness, it’s like when you are around to many people
But nobody is talking to you.
It is a combination of sadness and anger.
It is like someone without friends by six months.
The loneliness hurts and is terrible, but makes you strong.

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