CrAzY20's...."Holly Scripts"
Monday, January 23, 2006
What am I? Where am I? Who am I?
No one can answer these questions-
Why have I been so afraid to try?
I know if I look It's all there to see;
So I opened one small door to look inside,
And from out of that door a small voice cried,
"have you come to set me free?"
It scared me a bit - Should I close the door?
No, I had to find out whose voice had cried,
Should I step inside and ask the voice to say more?
Perhaps if I took just one small glance inside-
So I peered through the door, but all was dim;
Could I summon the courage to step within-
And find the voice before its echo died?

Friday, January 20, 2006
I Do Believe!!!!
Once I had a conversation with a lette about The Carnival and The FAM, then she asked me two question: Do you feel like ashame of who you are?? Are you ashame of being a NINJA??...The Answer was no!!!(for both). That's because after along time of been kicked when I was down, or been back stabbed, and even been used for the purpose of last I found a real FAMILY where I will never feel different from others and I'll never be alone no matter what. After that conversation I was making some reflections about everything that had happened to me since I came to USA, all of the sudden one of my main stream friends asked me the goddamn question one more time, a question that i didn't want to hear again: Salvador, why you choose tp be like this?! Then again Flashbacks from my past started to get into my head about all the horrible shit that I suffered, and the all of the sudden I answer the question with these words: The only thing that I was before was not me, always trying to get into some sort of groups where I don't belong, or always trying to get into the projects of others (My old bands), but then in the mix of all that I found something, I found the Juggalo Family and The Dark Carnival. Then I realize that i had a new reason to keep going with my life and all thanks to The Carnival and The Wikked FAM, and I can say this over and over again no matter what society think about me....I'm proud of who I am...Who am I??? A Juggalo Called CrAzy 20, a Juggalo who is proud of his FAM and not afraid of how society thinks of my people or me....I admit to all that in teh past i may not be a perfect example as a son or friend, but past is past and who gives a fuck about it?! I don't anymore....beacuse It can make me fall down again and I don;t want that for me or my Ninjas. I will keep going with life in the name of the The Wraith and GOD, if somebody told you that Salvador (ME!!) is trying to give up the carnival or that Salvador is just a poser, well I want to tell you that I'm a Full blooded Juggalo since I came to this world and I will die as one with my AXE making me company 'till The End of my days. I'm ashame of what I did in the past, but I'm not ashame of the things that I done to correct those mistakes...and I'll say this one more time: I'm Proud of who I am.....I'm CrAzy 20 The Juggalo!!!!
P.S. And for society....Say whatever you want to me Fuckers!! Because no matter what I'll always have Juggalo FAMILY.