CrAzY20's...."Holly Scripts"

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CrAzY20's...."Holly Scripts"
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Sometimes asking to yourself looking into the mirror with a knife on your wrist: Is there another way to get rid of the pain that consumes me in my soul???!!!

Not all of us no the true answer to be happy, cause that feelings comes and leaves all the time no matter what we do to stop it> The sadness is one of the most feelings that will be with ya like it or not 'cause is basic to start the day of some people, just like the loneliness in my life, the only connector was my sister and she's gone, for other los and lettes where someone special too, and they just die 'cause their life was crap as hell!!!! NO matter what happen to those who die, they will be always with us, and will never leave our side.....

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